A lot has happened many good times have been had and now I'm drowning in revision.
What fun!
Key points of Interest to note:
Easter holidays happened: A wild Josh was sighted:
A very rare event indeed and therefore worthy of a mention.
Emily and Ollie came to visit to see Becky and Seth:
Seth made a lot of cute faces and ate his bodyweight in formula.
My Parents celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary
And my grandparents their 60th!!!!
The return of the Lucy is but 5 weeks away, Camp is but 13 weeks away which quite terrifyingly means in 15 weeks I... I... I have to do something scary.
Oh and I did something crazy.
My mother is displeased.
But for now I will return to the oblivion of yacky Studying. My exams are trying to kill me and The British Council STILL haven't told me where I'm going!
However this is for those of you procrastinating... a lot like me:
Avengers is awesome and if you haven't seen it; SORT YOUR LIFE OUT! xD
Much love
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