
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Creativity and such like

I love writing. The furious, fluid process of scratching ink on to paper, racing to keep up with your thought stream, organic physical connection between thought and thinker, write and reader, a purpose an irregular beauty of raw unfiltered opinion and emotion. Writing is my catharsis and therapy. When safely anonymised you can pour out your soul to the page, a page that will not judge, comment, or tease, it will just, like a mirror, reflect your demons, give them corporeal form and the means to obliterate them. Slash them, tear them up, burn it in a cleansing fire, drown it in consuming waters or simply just lock it in a prison of your choice between the covers of a journal.
Empty your head on to the page, purge the clogged thought ways and just like a defragged computer, or freshly emptied vacuum the brain functions at full capacity once more. Yes it's temporary but tell me, is your method any longer lasting?
It's not not about eloquence, style, or even good grammar, its the freedom of your own expression and creativity.
And that's why I always carry a notebook and a fountain pen.
Just in case.  You never know when inspiration might strike and your magnum opus begin to take form. In the meantime I shall continue honing my skill. Even if I should be analysing vowel formants...

And that's why I like books. Books are the embodiment of those rudimental scratchings that our brain decodes into sense. I am in awe of those who can weave a world out of pure imagination, who are brave enough to share the world inside their head with others, who open the doors and say "come meet my friends" who aren't afraid to talk back to the voices in their heads, who can plan a story from beginning to end, that isn't tired cliché, outright terrible or just plain indulgent and that have the patience and dedication to write to the end instead of having thousands of beginnings and no ends. just such as I do.

And until I have my own end. I don't think I'll write one.

Beth xx

Sunday, January 26, 2014

New Blog!

Hi Blog fans!
As I realise this is a form of therapy I should indulge in more often I hereby declare I'll try and keep you more up to date with the ins and outs of being a student. But the big news it this: Hannah Brown and I have started another blog! It's called Beth & Brown's Beautiful bookshelf and we're going to be doing all our favourite book stuff on there :) We may branch out into films too, though books are mainly what's on the shelf for now :) I'll post more about it when it's up and running :)

In other news I've found my beloved watch which the resident house gremlins stole, had a career rethink a nice nasty shock and discovered that occasionally my iPod will play angry music when I need it to xD

 Beth xx