Today my friend Ruth introduced me to Wordle.
Lets face it, I am a language geek. Take a look at my degree and try and argue. You will fail.
Anyway, Wordle. It takes sections of texts analyses them and makes pictures of your most used words.
This is mine:
One thing concerns me. It doesn't seem to mention the word "awesome". I use awesome A LOT. To the extent that it seems to be one of those reflex words like "ok" and "whatever". Thus I have derived that there is a greater division between the style in which I write and the way in which I talk. However that opens you up to a complex area of Sociolinguistics that I can't be bothered going into. According to my seminar tutor I am also a perfect sociophonetic example too. That statement swiftly followed my earning extra brownie points for my unprompted use of field specific lexis (convergence and divergence FTW!) but before I send my swottage levels through the roof, I'll remind myself I havent done the readings for 2 weeks now. Oooh! A coinage! I'll stop. This level of interest in this half of my degree is indicative of 2 things. 1. This German essays is a pain in the butt. 2. I am avoiding said essay like the plague.
Unsurprisingly "procrastinating" made it in to the Wordle. But then again so did "central" which I'm guessing relates to the mini supermarket at the top of Pendle college and my endless trips there during revision last year which is the cause of this blogs creation, lets face facts, if i know how to do anything with an expert level of precision its Procratinate. In fact if universites gave out degrees in it I'd have a first, a masters and a Phd.
In other news;
Today I finally got hold of two of the three new Paramore tracks ironic considering that... OH CRAP! Its Dads birthday tomorrow! *Furious writing of cards and making tracks toward Amazon* *chastises self for being a bad daughter.* I had it fixed in my head that it was Friday. Cos I know he reads this. Daddy I'm very sorry. >.< It was in the lucy-spots-book-that-holds-my-life together diary too. Honestly? I'd forget my head if it weren't attached.
Anyway getting back to the main point. A year tomorrow I went to my first gig.
It was Paramore and it was awesome. So, what better way to commorate it than new Paramore tracks??
There isn't one, well I can think of one but they ain't touring...
I squealed.
I should do less squealing.
Anyway last Saturday was Bonfire night, which for any foreign readers, is when us brits celebrate that 500 odd years ago a bunch of mad catholics failed to blow up both Parliament and The King and burn a lot of money doing so in the shape of fireworks.
It also means hanging out with awesome people.
I'm making an album of Awesome People. Then I'm going to get a digital photo frame and take them with me next year. The Fireworks were ok. But I'm useless at taking pics of them. So instead, I stole this one from Kennis:
Anyway, essays don't write themselves.
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