
Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Very Sisterly Affair.

This is the Lesser Spotted Anna.
More frequently found in its natural environment of the living room with a good book and a Coffee.

It has never been seen wearing a white hat before however.

Shes now a fully fledged member of the Illustrious group of white hat wearers. I'm its leading member.

More about that later.

We'll start with yesterday.

 Eventually I'll stop laughing at this photo.
I'm not sure sensible photos of Conor exist.

This is a week of seeing people I havent seen in ages.
Yesterday, included a trip to Wakey and seeing my friends from college. I love these guys most of whom see each other on a weekly basis at uni at Huddersfield for those of us flung farther afield we only catch up during the holiday. I love seeing them we always have a laugh and as is tradition Conor and I will always have some kind of fight.
It would be wrong if we didn't. Much like it wouldn't be right if, (despite my protestations and indignant squeals), my hat wasn't forcibly removed from my head and modelled by someone else.

 Just a few shots from yesterday.

As I mentioned before Anna came over today.
I was quite excited by her hat. Which said she thought it was grey when it was ordered xD

She however more excited about this:
Her favourite Christmas Present.
However her excitement was loud and squealy when she got on to the subject of these.

If anyone feels like buying me these, or some similar, I love you.

Guess the brand (not you Anna) and I'll buy you a Mars bar.

We had a large amount of chat, fun and Anna pointed out that she probably was Isla Fisher's character in Confessions of A Shopaholic. I'm inclined to believe her. She keeps devising plans to get her hands on a credit card.

It was a very entertaining afternoon, which was long overdue.
So long in fact she'd forgotten where to find the teaspoons.
Kind of embarrassing for someone I once thought actually lived in my house she was here so frequently.

Anna's still awesome :D

Anyway I am off now.
Much love

Monday, December 19, 2011

The awkward moment where you haven't blogged in... you've forgotten how long.

So judging by the fact that my last blog was to do with the return of the Lucy, it seems sensible to start there.

So grab your favourite beverage, a snack or two, and get comfy aboard the TARDIS of the blog.

First stop 2 weeks ago. Friday the 2nd of December.
As i explained a few weeks back, I'm quite ill at the moment, and had beren struggling to get out of bed most days that week. Funnily enough didn't much trouble that day. After impaitiently sitting through a lecture and a seminar and possibly sending all my friends mad with my excitabilty Lucy arrived. The flying Hug attack totally did not cause her to brace against a wall. Nup. That did not happen.

Well, thats my story, and I'm sticking to it.

Anyway after a few hours of going about our various tasks we all climbed on a bus and went home and that is where I parted ways with lucy to go and cook
I cooked.
For people other than my housemates. 
I roasted Beef, made Yorkshires, roasted potates, did veg and made gravy from stock ALL BY MYSELF. :D
In the madness however I caused myself a MASSIVE bruise. I still have it. Admittedly it now doesn't hurt everytime I fall over something, (I am unbelievably clumsy - my mother is terrified of the day I first get behind the wheel of a car).

And despite the fact I was nice enough to cook for him, despite the fact I allowed him to check the internet for the Euro draw, Dan still fraped me. Ok, so it was a "nice" frape, I suspect that was only cos I was feeding him. Hannah would never be so mean. We had an awesome time, and Amy shall now forever be weighing things up.

Then came Saturday:

We went for Dinner at the Borough. Very nommy, excellent company, very worrying conversation, basically pod 6 without the pretense that we're doing any work.

Then we went back to mine, Lucy and I.

 For an afternoon of Christmas trees cookies, Girl talk, catching up, being very daft and planning world domination - our favourite past time.

This last one was the last time I saw Lucy, we were headed home after a hard nights Soulrigg cheerleading. Not that they need it these days.
We, their true fans, have suffered, we can no longer get an actual seat. Instead we must perch whereever we can get butt space. Despite this they were as good as ever and Raph's grin was superglued to his face.

Next day was Sunday, Student Lunch Day at Church in which a very beautiful home was visited, ridiculously nommy food was munched, a tramp in country was undertaken before 3 fantastic kids we're enthralled by my phone. All in all a brilliant day :)

Then there was a long and stressful week which included a carol service, which was really good, and thats about what I can remember before we came to friday.

Which was when Hannah cooked us dinner.  Much nom. Much nom indeed. Lots of giddyness, Ben and Jerry's and mocking of Beth. I get mocked far too much.
Also Hannah's living room looked like the inside of an igloo.

Continuing the Christmassy theme
Christmas Dinner Day!

It was a really good evening.
Good Food, Good Friends, and Good Films.

Lauren had never ever seen Elf so we sat eating Candy Cane and watched it. :)

I bought a hat. White hat number 6.

Sadly Carolyn went home :/ She's awesome and we'll miss her at real food and CU.

Anyway! Having finally got through the end of term, I believe this to be the end.
Now I'm gonna put my feet up.
P.S expect more blog. I have essays to write....

Friday, December 2, 2011

In which Beth is so bereft of any actual work she blogs so that she may have something to procrastinate.

I'll be honest I haven't done anything blog worthy of late.

But I 'll be fair to myself, I haven't been especially well.

This weekend will be awesome though.


She will however be really disappointed to learn that we cannot get into our beloved Pod 6 because some one decided today was an excellent day to paint Pods 5-8, whoever you are, you are a Chump.

Tonight I'm making a roast dinner. The Yorkshire pudding mix is in the fridge, I'm thinking of buying parsnips to roast as well. Just because I'm that awesome.

In not so awesome news; I ran out of dry shampoo this morning. I almost cried. The stuff is incredible. it gives me the confidence of an assured 2 days between necessary hair washing.

So now, with now work to do, and only anticipation  to focus on I am slowly going mad in the Zoo, I keep catching myself singing along with my iPod, So with no one to tame the crazy I would at this point opt to nap. However I face the catch 22 of being tired but too excited to sleep. Also napping would undoubtedly end in Frape. Its the law of the learning zone, if you're idiot enough to leave your Facebook unguarded, chances are you'll get fraped.

However the full learning zone contingent seems sadly lacking.

Right, I'm off to plot!

Friday, November 25, 2011

You told me so, things that make Beth happy, and things that make Beth unhappy.

Things that make Beth happy:

  • Spending girlie time with Hannah
  • One to Ones with Ruth.
  • Diggles Mocha.
  • When a plan/presentation comes together.
  • Snuggly buggly new zippy hoodies.
  • Finding awesome Green jumpers you forgot you had.
  • New Look.
  • Knitting.
  • My bed
  • Legitimate naps after long hard weeks.
Things that make Beth cross:
  • Making/preparing presentations.
  • Lack of self control in New Look
  • Finding holes in old snuggly buggly zippy hoodie
  • Wilkos not having the right knitting needles.
  • Falling asleep when trying to prepare presentations.
  • Passing out in lectures
  • Having to restore mobile to factory settings.
  • Not knowing what to make for dinner.
  • Tummy ache
Two blogs in one week?! This is madness!
Admittedly I have been vaguely manic since about 12.30 when I finished my last presentation. Since then my most annoying habit of talking nineteen to the dozen for extended periods of time has been a rather prominent feature of the day. I guess it's a stress release. I was doing it yesterday when stressing over my German presentation. Sorry to those who were with me in  the Zoo at that point. 
It happens. 
Its all part of what makes Beth so unique.
So what happened this week except lots of work? 
Oh and breaking my own self imposed ban on New Look. (its fine it was a necessary purchase <.< >.> honestly! - those who were taking bets, I take all winnings on bets made about me :P)
I passed out in a nine AM lecture. I have no recollection of the Lecture whatsoever. :/
That was fun.

I had to reset my phone to factory settings.
This irritated me immensely. 
The problem was that my entirely empty inbox kept telling me it was full and i needed to empty it to get text messages. It was only holding about 10 texts at anyone time. This was vaguely reminiscent of my of when I owned a Nokia 3410 (anyone remember those beasts, we thought they we so cool. we had no idea.) and we had to keep deleting messages. ALL the time. Even important ones. 
And when you know full well your phone can hold well over 500 texts with no problem, there is clearly an issue. Resetting solved various other problems I'd been having. However I'm still putting everything back to how I like it. Its a veritable pain in the backside.

Now I'm gonna hug my hot water bottle to get rid of my tummy ache and watch merlin whilst knitting.
and feel totally guilt free about doing so.
Beth xx

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

"I'll do the results section, its mainly graphs."

For a former science student, I have forgotten an extraordinary amount. Like the idea that the results section is a really long section full of Jargon babble. Trying to turn it in to a presentation is to say the least challenge. especially considering that I don't even fully understand it. I understood the German version of Katz und Maus more than this, and to claim that I understood that book, is in itself a fallacy. Nothing about that book made any sense. Grass clearly wrote it to be studied.

I have two presentations this week, both of which are now where near ready, both of which are assessed, both of which are on Friday morning.

Oh and I have a mouth ulcer and I burnt my tongue on my coffee.

Life is going so well at the moment.

Yesterday alone I was so stressed I cried the metaphorical river.

I look at my workload this week and conclude that maybe I shouldn't have gone on Houseparty at the weekend.

Had I gone though I would have missed a class weekend, which included a parody of Jeff Buckley's Hallelujah, that shall probably stay ingrained in my memory for a very long time, a walk which included this:
Hannah's relief at not having to do any more organising was so great she decided to dance!

I wish that was true.

She was actually about to do the double thumbs up but didn't quite manage it in time. The photo is possibly the more epic for it.

This also happened:
I can't quite remember why Emma was on Judy's back, but at one point I thought Judy was about to fall over. Emma also looks either overjoyed or terrified. Can't quite decide between the two...

We also encountered these beauties:
The one on the right seemed rather hungry. So hungry, apparently that my twill coat is in fact rather nommy. He was quite clearly told I was not food at that point. The poor yearling in the middle had simply followed its mother and seemed rather unsure of this group of excitable girls.

Having nearly finished the "results" (aka jargon wot fried my brain) I felt the need to finish this blog and make sure I checked  to see if my right to free speech being impinged upon by certain over touchy authorities, I toned down some references in other parts of my blog.

In other news,
My friend Anne came over for dinner last night before CU. Anne is German and we usually speak German together, however last night we ... I totally failed to speak German, other than to explain when Anne got the puzzled look, mainly because when I spoke German Amy got the puzzled look. Though her face when Anne turned to her and asked "Sprechen Sie auch Deutsch?" (Do you speak German too?) was priceless.

I'm off!
Na night

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wordle, the avoidance of hard work, and other things.

Today my friend Ruth introduced me to Wordle.
Lets face it, I am a language geek. Take a look at my degree and try and argue. You will fail.
Anyway, Wordle. It takes sections of texts analyses them and makes pictures of your most used words.
This is mine:

One thing concerns me. It doesn't seem to mention the word "awesome". I use awesome A LOT. To the extent that it seems to be one of those reflex words like "ok" and "whatever". Thus I have derived that there is a greater division between the style in which I write and the way in which I talk. However that opens you up to a complex area of Sociolinguistics that I can't be bothered going into. According to my seminar tutor I am also a  perfect sociophonetic example too. That statement swiftly followed my earning extra brownie points for my unprompted use of field specific lexis (convergence and divergence FTW!) but before I send my swottage levels through the roof, I'll remind myself I havent done the readings for 2 weeks now. Oooh!  A coinage! I'll stop. This level of interest in this half of my degree is indicative of 2 things. 1. This German essays is a pain in the butt. 2. I am avoiding said essay like the plague.
Unsurprisingly "procrastinating" made it in to the Wordle. But then again so did "central" which I'm guessing relates to the mini supermarket at the top of Pendle college and my endless trips there during revision last year which is the cause of this blogs creation, lets face facts, if i know how to do anything with an expert level of precision its Procratinate. In fact if universites gave out degrees in it I'd have a first, a masters and a Phd.

In other news;
Today I finally got hold of two of the three new Paramore tracks ironic considering that... OH CRAP! Its Dads birthday tomorrow! *Furious writing of cards and making tracks toward Amazon* *chastises self for being a bad daughter.* I had it fixed in my head that it was Friday. Cos I know he reads this. Daddy I'm very sorry. >.< It was in the lucy-spots-book-that-holds-my-life together diary too. Honestly? I'd forget my head if it weren't attached.

Anyway getting back to the main point. A year tomorrow I went to my first gig.

It was Paramore and it was awesome. So, what better way to commorate it than new Paramore tracks??
There isn't one, well I can think of one but they ain't touring...
I squealed.

I should do less squealing.

Anyway last Saturday was Bonfire night, which for any foreign readers, is when us brits celebrate that 500 odd years ago a bunch of mad catholics failed to blow up both Parliament and The King and burn a lot of money doing so in the shape of fireworks.
It also means hanging out with awesome people.

I'm making an album of Awesome People. Then I'm going to get a digital photo frame and take them with me next year.  The Fireworks were ok. But I'm useless at taking pics of them. So instead, I stole this one from Kennis:

Anyway, essays don't write themselves.