
Saturday, September 3, 2011

How to write of which there is nothing to write of.

I have the greatest desire to blog.

Yet I don't have anything much to say. I find this infuriating, And perplexing, for yesterday I had a bath.

This might sound confusing but; bear with me.

I have already confessed to being a bit of a geek. This will explain therefore that my love of Douglas Adams' finest work "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy"
Adams when out of ideas would draw him self a bath and sit in there to think.
He believed the best ideas come whilst in the bath.
I find it very useful too. There and and in exam halls whilst idling. Or places where I am forced to to be quiet. But usually I go off into daydream.
Sometimes I sit and think up fantastic ideas and then because I'm forgetful they disappear back into the ether.
So my bath didn't work out. Not in the inspiration dept anyway.

So I read over some things I wrote a while back.

Its an incredibly depressing thought, but it seemed initially that I was at my best when lonely or depressed, though to be honest the two go hand in hand.

Then I looked at some of the old stuff next to some of the newer blog and had a thought.

My styles simply differ.

The earlier stuff is definitely darker and harsher, particularly in respect to myself.

The newer stuff is less introspective

Anyway Philosophy over.

I still wasn't inspired.

Just mildly depressed that lucy flew away yesterday :/

Oh well she'll be back in january!

Till one conquers writers block!


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