
Monday, July 11, 2011

A birthday, Leeds, a Wedding and other things.


So yes I'm now officially old. There is something about 20 that is depressing. One is officially no longer a teenager and thusly an actual adult (you would necessarily notice that I've grown up any, but then again for the next 3 years I can justify a whole multitude of childishnesses with one cry: "I'm a student!"
However, my birthday was a lovely day during which I was reunited with my many mad college friends and met for the first time Mark's German friend Marina. Someone who we should not have introduced to Conor, an individual whose linguistic adventurousness depends entirely on the level of Taboo a word carries with it. Suffice it to say that I'm not entirely sure I ever want to eat Mushy Peas EVER again... and I liked Mushy Peas :/
However we all enjoyed an excellent meal at Pizza Hut (NOM!) before going to watch Transformers 3. A far superior film to the last one, which bored me and caused a severe case of num bum.
I received some very nice presents. I probably ought to make an admission here. At the age of 20 I received my first games console, and now, I'm pretty much addicted to my DS.
Just so long as I don't pick it up your safe, I'll remain a communicable human being.
I can fast see it joining the ranks of my TV, computers, iPod and mobile phone in my mums ever growing list of most regretted presents.
There's a reason mum has only ever bought me one mobile. I've had to buy every other one since.
She also bought me a fantastic hair dryer.
Finally 10 years after I recieved my first hairdryer, and roughly 30 seconds after using it for the first time and getting my hair caught up in the hairdryer, the hair brush and my oddly my teeth I thought, "Can't they just make a hairbrush hairdryer." They have and I own one. This bunny is bouncing with happiness.

I am keeping my old one, for posterity.

That was Wednesday.
Then, logically, came Thursday
Myself , Matt, Mark, Marina and Dom descended upon Leeds. And acquired many, many, many, many granola Bars. Every time we rounded a corner the crunchy nature valley company guys thrust food at us. For Matt and I, every new bar reminded us of Menez. We had a good wander went shopping, I spent waaay too much in GAME, acquiring things for my DS. (A Pokémon game and case) The said shop caused a mini fight between Dom and Matt as to who could get their game card to the assistant first xD.
It was a thoroughly enjoyable day and it was lovely to get to know Marina more.

There were two photos like this. But Dom would moan if i put the one he was in up xD

I didn't actually do anything much on Friday.
Just stayed at home with Matt.

Saturday however,
8AM starts on a Saturday will never be acceptable. Even if it is to go to your friend's wedding.
Matt took this photo. Its the only one I took that day. I was very busy and exhausted.
Unfortunately No photos have yet been posted of the Bride and Groom. But both looked amazing although Andrew's short hair do is going to take some getting used to xD
 Unfortunately a lovely day ended with a Migraine. Urgh. I spent the train ride home feeling very sick. 

And now I'm feeling very much like applying a jet of cold water to my neighbours. The ones that throw endless summer parties and make epic noise. They haven't even turned the music on yet... 

Itching to use the hosepipe

1 comment:

  1. I wouldnt have moaned, merely pointed out the fact that i ruined a perfectly good blog entry with my face XD Also you did not spend too much in game, you spent peanuts compared to some people I know who shop in there.
