
Saturday, July 2, 2011

A rather crazy week. Brandings, bangings, and squashings.

Before we get into this I must point out that this week has been manic and this blog will most likely have been written across several days. It started on Thursday.

Ok Its not as bad as the title makes out but there have been concussions, brandings and I'm currently sat on my suitcase... must stop buying clothes....FOR PETES SAKE SHUT! Does anyone have a spare suitcase? This isnt looking good.
It all fit in in october...
Student loan...
New Look...
New Look's never ending sale...
Plus three uni hoodies...
Lets not even start on the shoes...

Its time for suitcase TETRIS!

 I loathe packing. It is vile. Especially this sort of packing. I'm not quite moving house. I'm desperately trying to do as little as possible. Its working. But I do by the end of the afternoon have to resemble princess Leia... (Its extravs. I'll explain later in the blog.)

Watch me, by Sunday I'll be expostulating unpacking. That particularly will be entirely more loathsome. I have to fit all this into my room at home. Which is already bursting with crap. It maybe time that I take some things to the hospice shop.

This is definitely the last blog from C14 Flat 5 Wastwater House Cartmel College.
Its sad. I feel sort of bereft. It is the passing of an era. In more ways than one.

(just to let you know I have now packed my wadrobe and have reached the "sock stuffing phase")

Its the end of my 1st year of uni. This means the fun's over and its time to get serious. I should also start panicking now in 13 months I depart for Germany, :O I haven't yet decided whether I should write a separate blog for that or not... Leave your comments on that one...
and in 6 days I turn 20. This means I am no longer a teenager. In someways I bid it GO! And NEVER return! In others good stuff happened. Its how I started to work out who I am. A process which is still ongoing.

But I'm sure you're all eager to find out what I've been up to. No? Tough.

Monday started with a swim. Well that's not entirely true but the first clear thing I remember is taking my lonesome off for a swim. My swimming buddies were, most unfortunately otherwise engaged, or in Emma's case trying to work out to do with herself and her big empty house. After a glorious swim in a pool with a mere 4 people (Oh the indescribable bliss!) I spent the following hours veriatably wasting time. I took a fantastically long shower and then showed myself this peculiar stuff called exfoliator, a razor to my legs, mosituriser, and what my mother disparagingly refers to as "the war paint". I then (SHOCK! HORROR!) decided to wear a dress. before going to see the fantabulous Emily and then taking myself of to Lake Carter for my birthday BBQ. At which great fun and much food was eaten by all. Photos can be found HERE.  Highlights included Duck feeding/herding - It seems that in fact one can get Ducks to follow one anywhere if you dangle enough bread in front of them. The other highlight was without a doubt Lucy's Paramore birthday cake which I shall shamelessly Tweet to Hayley Williams/ Jeremy Davis on my birthday because a) I'm sad and B) it would be sooooo AWESOME if they tweeted back... :D

Tuesday -  a day I have largely forgotten.
Though I recall meeting up with Ruth and a large bag of Wotsits being munched. However prior to this came my last visit to the Cartmel Laundrette (cue round of the Hallelujah chorus and amusing dance) The laundrette - it never works 2/3's of the machines are always broken or eat money. It is a parting with all the sadness of a Wedding. I get that Tosh will purposely take that and grasp it firmly by the wrong end of the stick - He loathes weddings... probably as much as I hate packing. I also had to endure the noise of the Lonsdale extrav. No sleep for Beth!

It began with a bump. Then a scream. I shall not miss the ledge behind my bed. Nor shall my head. Even as I finally get round to finishing this blog on Friday night there remains a cartoonishly sized bump on my head. A trip to the Doctors later on that afternoon confirmed what I had known since 9.50. I was concussed. As such I had spent the morning doing very little - read crying at Marley & Me. And they market that film as a comedy! BAH! making fried egg lunches and Ironing. That last word makes me feel the need to facepalm. From a young age it is made clear that as a rule it is unwise to get up close and personal with the business end of an iron, much less grasp it in your hand. However aged 19 and 1/2 years this is precisely what Matt proceeded to do. " hours later it was still too painful to take his hand out of the water, alas he could not sleep with his hand in my sink. I shall spare you the gory details. But I am ashamed to say I laughed heartily at his suffering. Though in my defence he was hopping around my bathroom eating my towel. #I am pleased to report that burn gel and painkillers and liberal application of Katie's ice cubes seem to have lessened his ailments

One word: MANIC.
 I got up rushed in to town. My mission? Frantic extrav costume shopping. In less than two hours I had acquire a long white dress for the sci-fi themed Cartmel Extrav. Stop rolling your eyes. My costume was pretty good for thrown together at the last minute. I was told on several occasions I was the best Princess Leia - with the Possible exception of the Dean. Who had decided to come as princess Leia as well. Fine, so what? Our Dean is a guy. XD he pulled it off pretty well though. Photo Link HERE. The Pancake man was present again, as he is at all Cartmel events and for once (oh sweet blessings) he didn't recognise me - I'll have to do the croissant hair - do more often! For those of you who are sat there confused suffice it to say the first time we came across the Pancake Man I made a collosal idiot of myself xD. However preceeding all that drink fuelled nonsense. Came packing (urgh packing), The last Wibbly Wobbly visit of the year! :O For the uninitated Wibbly Wobblys is a burger bar on campus that makes some pretty damn fine burgers. The boys have made a point of going once a week this year on the alliterative "Wibbly Wobbly Wednesdays". After the meat fesr we headed to Grizedale bar, which is literally next door, for Cocktails! There are three things to be said of this trip 1) Chocolate orange Cocktails are actually rather nommy. 2)Matt set out with the express intention of buying the girliest drink he could find. He was please to find that they served Cosmopolitans. without doubt the girliest drink on the planet, thanks in no small part to this little show called Sex & the City.  and 3) the Barman once randomly stroked Menez's beard in Sugar, this led to Menez's swift removal of aforementioned facial hair.
Matt With that cosmo!

Today. (well technically its now gone midnight but...shush!)
Today, I arose, ate breakfast and set to. I finally finished at 9ish. And there is still more to do. I'll be honest. I procrastinated wildly.
This included laughing alot at Katie's attempt to pack her clothes.  It didn't go well. Despite this the trunk room is nearly full all but the kitchen is packed. Oh and obviously Mr. Bennet. I'm kinda using him. Despite the busy day I had tea with my mummy and Matt. Had a drink in Grad, wrote a blog and went for a walk up campus. I also went to central for what is most likely the last time. It all feels so very weird.
Tomorrow/today I shall be blogging from home. No longer a resident of Flat 5 Wastwater House Cartmel College. I shall perhaps possibly have seen this person:
And worked out how to work the shiny silver box in my room.
But till then tune in to the twitter for a running commentary on how much packing sucks.
I may have even seen these people:

Till then,

1 comment:

  1. Nah don't bother making a new blog for Germany.
    A blog is what you make of it, you're is about your life experiences …therefore Germany would more then qualify for this blog :p
