So exams are over, and I'm free! Free as a bird. Free to Google myself and nap indiscriminately. Coincidentally, should you feel like googling me, as I did, I'm the ninth result returned! :O
However having done this, rolled out of bed at 10 to 11 with out any feeling of guilt, (a feeling that is in its self blissful), been to the doctors to get a prescription and eaten breakfast. I found myself very bored. I find myself without a purpose. Like general studies.
Mother promptly instructed me that I should find a job. At a loss for any better ideas, I did so. I talked to a few agents looked at a few jobs that seemed suitable till they turned out to be in Buckinghamshire or somewhere very much outside of a 20 mile radius of Pontefract. After making an appt. to have a meeting with someone in the Wakefield office, I was far to despondant to further my search so took me, myself, my runny nose, sore throat and by then headache for a nap at 12.45 without thinking I really should do some form of homework/revision. Before crawling out of bed for lunch at 2.
So I am left to decide for myself as to what to do. The problem is that the ironing is staring at me and I have no good reason not to do it, this also applies to my laundry. My room could do with a clean, so could the en-suite, and considering there's washing up on my desk I'm guessing I can't ignore the load in the kitchen for too long.
Suddenly the world is the right way up again and now I just wanna go buy some fresh baked brownie and some cream and watch friends, possibly even revise French.
I'm perfectly serious. Whilst unable to sleep last night, (it seems you can be too happy to sleep), I had a 1.30AM epiphany. I actually like French. (always knew i had masochistic tendencies >.< I like to make life difficult) HELP.
I guess it works out like this. I've learnt French since I was 6/7 years old. Thus for almost as much of my life as I can remember I have been committing acts of Carnage in French. It is, admittedly quite difficult to completely destroy the French language when you're learning the alphabet, numbers and how to introduce yourself. But, if my track record is anything to go by I'll have mixed up my numbers and introduced myself as a fish at some point. So, it has reached the point where I either make the last 16 years of my life worthwhile and I use it; or I lose it.
I think Seb may get very bored of my incompetent Franglais before the year is out.
Yet after a break and some calm thinking, oh and a full weekends worth of hardcore grammar. I might not be quite so hideous at French as has long be thought. I'm hoping next month will bring a 2.2 in French. If it does, me and my 2.2 shall march to my old sixth form, nail that 2.2 to a certain individual's door and in my very best French tell her where she can put her comments about inventing a grade below "U" especially for me. I don't suggest one bothers to translate it.
Honestly? I'm going to miss French. Put the phone down I don't need the pyschs... at least not for another few weeks.
I have some blogs of (dubious) note for your delectation.
I must note that apparently, I caused these blogs to exist. This worries me somewhat.
It seems that blogging is viral.
Anyway. Today's First Blog:
The first thing is not to be put off by the title. The aforementioned Paranormal Romances are most usually overlooked in preference for tales that could inspire the next confessions of a shopaholic, problems with "dad rock" and chicken. She also mentions this character called "beanpole" a lot. I don't know who this "beanpole" is but apparently she's irritatingly tall and skinny.
The second blog:
I have already moaned that this individual is taking her baking with her to Europe. But in this blog you find out precisely what happens when Lucy, her baking and special brand of crazy hits Bilbao and Geneva. I am also thinking about talking this cake making maestro into blogging her cakey creations...
I know I shall be scrutinising this blog and taking bountiful notes about what you should and shouldn't do on a year abroad, as after all, they're letting me loose in Germany :O
Now if you'll excuse me, I must go chase Mark up. Boy needs to get his butt to Lancaster. It'll make for a more colourful blog xD
Lets see how long I can avoid the washing up...
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