To deepest darkest south Cartmel.
For this place doth offer me curry and silence. Oh blessed silence! Oh Gradbar how thine noise doth anger me yet thine sweet cider makes me so happy that you serve something that is not Strongbow. A cider veritably milked from the urethra of Cats.
It also happens to be Matt's house.
Thats Matt. He's currently yelling at Warner bros' bad skills in Middle Eastern translation.
Yesterday, (NB I started this blog on Saturday) was a day that can only be described as a day of Shameless behaviour. Mainly pertaining to 3 individuals. It was the day of the South West Big Chill. A fun day with activities and Live music and dance acts and general randomness that occurs on S/W Campus.
The first is one Michael Steer
he stuffed his face with grapes jumped all over inflatables and had a thoroughly good time in the call of being a "fresher!"
The second is the self proclaimed, tea fuelled superwoman.
Yes, it's Lucy,who was on the verge of bursting into laughter as I took this photo.
As Soulrigg's Head Cheerleader (all shall become clear. It involves more shameless behaviour), she determinedly fought against the reliably unreliable Lancaster buses to make Soulrigg's slot. And as Raph and co. are terminally 5 minutes late (or an hour, I believe George has developed an equation for working out Raph's lateness) she made it on time. Thenceforth she proceeded to (mockingly) take one of the numbers personally, with perhaps one of the best running commentaries I've heard since I last watched a Film with Anna's cousin, proceeded to apologise throughout. "I've told him I'm sorry" , the perreninal "Blame DELC" and the classic "its his own fault". I have no idea what song it was, Lucy was too funny.
And the final act of shameless behaviour?
It pertains to this individual.
She was unaware they were under surveillance.
Their act of shameless behaviour?
To take complete and utter credit for the final song in Soulrigg's set. Loudly. Before then singing along badly. With actions.
And I refuse to make an apology.
I am totally responsible for Raph's addiction to B.o.B's "Don't Let Me Fall". Had I not posted it on my FB wall he may not have found it...
However. I can hear murmurings of confusion.
Who/What is this Soulrigg you blog of?
Soulrigg is a fantasic soul/R&B band that Raph helped put together here at uni. Raph is an amazing singer and I believe has released a song that you can actually buy on iTunes. I don't kid when I say he's an AMAZING singer. To quote Lucy "Raph sings so good it hurts!" But don't just take my word for it: Soulrigg has a Facebook Page and they have everything you need to know.
BTW, I will continue to plug these guys. Raph has an amazing talent.
They're playing Gradbar tonight. So I shall go be a hypocrite xD
OOO! I founds doughnuts!
So Saturday.
A day for acquiring food. Unfortunately it is necessary that I eat, I find cooking a chore and a bore.
Whilst in Sainsburys I not only bought the aforementioned Doughnuts but I also found Mark's perfect soup.
A soup could not be more aimed at students.
Or my mad best friend.
I think they may have imbibed too much of the key ingredient the day they thought this up.
I had to take a photo. You wouldn't believe me otherwise.
I physically held it and didn't quite believe it.
I also bought batteries
Also that took way too much effort. Damn blogger's inabilty to use certain file types!
I amused myself at length hoovering crumbs in the kitchen at 12.30AM this morning. Possibly the single saddest thing I have ever done. I refuse to apologise. It was too much fun.
You may recall I opened the blog with a rant about low quality cider. Sainsburys however has come to the rescue.
I refuse to spend the £7.00 on the big green bottle but 4 of these for just under a fiver shall amuse me throughout extravs, aussi J'ai un bouteille de vin!!! (Lucy will understand, so might Emma but the rest of you can remain ignorant as to the true extent of my lunacy - though I suspect most of you already know >.<)
The can pictured above contains a cider of superior taste. Only the French make it better. French Cider is a treat. Plus one can have substantially more of it without feeling wobbly. At an average strength of 2% its lethality in the "it suddenly seems that, that lamppost was much closer than it seemed" stakes, is greatly lessened. It also doesn't tasted like someone poured vodka into apple tango.
So now we finally arrive at Sunday.
Which has been a thoroughly, (A word I cannot spell), enjoyable day which involved a delicious long lunch at spoons with friends after church. To those who have not discovered the Spoons Sunday club deal, well done! it means that us lot can still put 5 tables together in the Richard Owen without complaint. My last time at Spoons till September. Mainly because this is my last Sunday in Lancaster for this academic year, as I move out Saturday. Where did first year go??
Now if you'll excuse me I have to bake cookies!
And pack.. D'oh >.<
Beth xx
£7 a bottle for Merrydown in Sainsburys - they saw you coming!! £2 at Tesco