
Thursday, June 16, 2011

An Exam, Silbermond, Impending French and a question.

We'll start with a question. How do you change a vacuum bag?
Ok that sounds bad but since I was about 8 or 9 we've had a dyson so by the time I was really emptying the vacuum, vacuum bags were a thing of the past. Henry however has lost suction and smells funny. Also I could probably do a better job with a broom.
Please don't mock me.

English happened today.
I was weirdly calm. Like a determined fart in a trance. I understand that may sound odd, but it works. Tunnel vision suggests you could have elicited at least some kind of reaction from me. What I remember of the exam involved something about a mild panic over four essays instead of 3 and intense pain in my hand. A severe case of exam claw. Its very similar to revision claw.
But its over. And i came back gathered my papers and folders together marched them out of my room and deposited them in my box in the trunk room. Why I yelled, "AND STAY THERE!", as I exited is for the psychologists to discuss.

This now leaves me with French.
I shall be on hiatus from tomorrow 'til Monday.
I can tell you what monday'll be called.
"I'M FREE" Froggy Carnage and FREEDOM!"
I may get more imaginative between now and then but considering that all that lies ahead is French Grammar it seems unlikely.
Highly unlikely.

You see that blue book at the top. Its more horrible than the reddy/brown one below it.
Also I was hyperventilating when I took that photo back in October. discounting the huge textbook in the middle as I had that already. That's nearly £100 there. They've been joined by several books since too.
And it happens all over again next year.

ARGGHHH! Thank goodness for auto-save. That was nearly crying under the desk time.



Totally meant to blog about this yesterday. But then again, yesterday I wasn't actually a functioning human being.
Silbermond are a German rock band, I guess the best way to explain them is to compare them to Paramore. Except they're not. 
I have this ongoing internal war as to who is better.
Paramore have a habit of winning. 
On the sole basis that I don't have to think when I listen to their Music.
That works on 2 levels. 1. Haley Williams is American thus writes in English, I'm not convinced Steph Kloß has spoken English since she left Hochschule = Paramore means I don't sit there and berate my German.
2. Silbermond have written some quite thought provoking music, also when I'm tired enough, Symphonie moves me to tears.
Silbermond also win in that Thomas Stolle is fitter than any of the guys in Paramore ever knew how to be xD. 
Sadly I have to overdose on my Silbermond Phase tonight as, until Monday afternoon, German is banned. :/ I find that my superiority in German has a negative effect on my French, like the time I gave half a paragraph of my French presentation in German, the Austrian girl in my class said it was near perfect. Its not my fault I was talking about the German part of Belgium. It happens.
Back to Silbermond though. Below I'm going to post some You Tube links for you to enjoy. :)
So 'til I start procrastinating,



  1. I'm just being curious but have you ever heard of the German band Tokio Hotel?

    1. Yeah I have I have a bit of their stuff, but its not something I admit to much in public xD
