Ok. So I'm grumpy today. Though I suspect my mood would be drastically improved if I could get to sleep before stupid o'clock in the morning. Its been years since I blogged, not since the far off days of my "Myspace" account and procrastination against GCSE Revision, and that was exactly 4 years ago. Scarily enough, now my brother is doing the same thing... except with a PlayStation.
So, instead of my trademark rambling, I probably should attempt to introduce myself. I'm Beth. I'm 20 in 26 days, (this is a prospect which is more terrifying that my french exam in a week and a half, and trust me I'm desperately think of ways of passing the exam with out sitting it... though I may actually have to teach my self the subjunctive >.<) I study English Language and German Joint honours at Lancaster University, which means I have to take a first year minor in a subject of my choice. Who knows why I did this, but I took French. It seemed like a good idea at the time. As for any hobbies? I have an addiction to Facebook ( or so my boyfriend says) I go swimming when i'm stressed and make scrapbooks. I'm also a Nail Tech for fun, meaning I make pretty cool nails on everyone except myself, Ambidexterity escapes me. I also enjoy causing confusion, particularly in the case of my A-level German tutor who was convinced that by the end of yr 13 I would have untaught him German.
I have several blogging friends who inspired me to get back on the blogging bandwaggon, Emmy ( WIR SIND NICHT ALLEIN! -http://braceletlady.blogspot.com/), Dom (http://thedomdomdomdom.wordpress.com/) and my crazed best friend Mark, who writes his entirely in German (http://lifeasastudentaufdeutsch.blogspot.com). I guess i should mention The Pioneer Woman too. Her life on her husband's ranch doesn't exactly know how to be boring xD
So currently I am very aware of the level of procrastination this blog is currently affording me, ( I no longer care about the evolution of Standard English). the problem is most of my friends have already finished their exams, (Lancaster's are relatively late) and as a large number of my friends are in second year, (long story, its better you don't ask, I may blog about it sometime), they too have finished. So its me on my lonesome in the learning zone. (Aka The Zoo) This makes revision even less appealing than it normally is. At least at home should life become too much, one gets up and walks the 10 mins to Anna's where much Coffee is consumed.
In addition to this first year language exams are solid. If you've ever done an A-Level exam with translation and an essay imagine that but with 6 pages of grammar preceding that. Not Fun.
In unrelated news I swam a kilometre yesterday. I only took swimming up 2 weeks ago and there was an enforced break in there. I was rather proud.
As it is now midday and I'm not dressed I think it might be appropriate to wear something other than my pajamas and huge oxford uni hoodie (my friends used to call me the Oxford English Dictionary - its an in joke) to the zoo I'm gonna go.
This is kinda of how I feel right now.
P.S. If Chrome auto corrects my perfect English English to US English once more I may generate a whole blog on it. Prepare for a Noah Webster Character Assassination. (He doesn't care, he's dead. Which is probably good for him, there are a lot of hacked off British English teachers out there.)
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