Oooo I can post from my mobile :0!
So today I failed to get up, stupid headache, failed to go swimming, stupid boiler and some how spent nearly 2 hours in the managment school café
Had a damn good chat with Emma though!
I did earlier have a read of Anna's blog from yesterday, which caused a great deal of laughter when my housemate for next year then posted this on facebook
Before long this will be her cat.
I have a thing for cats. Well... anything cute, soft and furry usually cracks open a whole tin of awwww. Although, Cats are possibly the best they are fairly independent, love a good snuggle, ( ok I'm not stupid, I'm soft warm and comfy and I'll give it food. It doesn't actually love me. Dogs however do love you but unfortunately haven't learnt about breath mints yet) and are unendingly adorable. They are also unendingly stupid.Whilst pretending to be oh so very clever. (Dogs on the other hand are clever, they just act stupid because it makes the human laugh).
I'm not allowed a pet. Its not that mum doesn't like animals per se, but she claims shes already got three to chase up, look after, clean up behind and so on and doesn't need a 4th. Also Fur gets everywhere and cats wreck furniture ( - very excellent website with humourous cat animations).
On further failures of today:
I cannot think of anything to go to My Sci-Fi themed extrav as. This worries me. Alot. I'm supposed to be in the geek clique. I had one Idea but it would require a working knowledge of how to use a sewing machine + the actual possession of said sewing machine. Please post any ideas in the comments box, on facebook or tweet me @Bethk91.
There was another failure I find it pressing to write about... But that would require remembering what it was, and so far that isn't going too well. Which, I guess is a failure in itself.
Today I seem to be blogging in a style that reflects my life right now. Aimlessly. Admittedly since I finished my exams my immune system took a nose dive and I've been suffering some kinda nasty lurgy that wiped out most of yesterday. I'm pretty sure I blogged and crawled back into bed yesterday. I was full of good intentions for today. Before I woke up with this headache. It's been nagging at me all day and I'm now out of paracetamol. What with 3 days of sore throat, whatever happened yesterday and then this headache, should I develop any aches or pains now I'm very much stuffed. I probably ought to go shopping. I'm all out of Jammie Dodgers.
Lucy and I agree about Jammie Dodgers. They're pretty much unbeatable. They're always the first eaten out of the biscuit variety box. You know, like the strawberry creams in Quality Streets.
In what may come as a great surprise to some regular followers of this blog. I have washed up. If I only could find that spoon...
I'm really rather hungry... I could murder a pizza. I really want a really good pizza hut pizza... mmm pizza.
Right I'm off.
Matt says we can go to Pizzetta.
Nom. Nom. Nom.
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